I am passionate about music therapy

Through personal experience, I had gained knowledge about music therapy. For over ten years I’d been playing violin, studying at Colburn School, but during the pandemic’s isolation, this activity grew more meaningful. As I expressed myself daily, my violin helped me release negative emotions and become happier. I began to view music as a therapeutic intervention, both for me and my family. I saw the evidence of music’s healing effects. Music comforted my mom as she endured the pain of her cancer treatment, and it helped my dad and me stay strong. Due to these experiences, I began researching the topic, eventually giving a TedTalk for the school district on the beneficial effects of music on mental wellness. 

“I wanted my fellow schoolmates to benefit from music like I did and alleviate their emotional suffering.”

I contacted the teacher in charge of the special-needs division and pitched her my idea of therapeutic concerts, which she enthusiastically approved. I recruited other student musicians and we now perform once a month in the wellness center, doing our part to lift spirits and help release negative energy and emotions. The time I spend organizing and practicing for the concerts is worth it when I see the joy and excitement on the students’ faces. 

I have indeed made my community a “better place.” At home, at school, and now at retirement centers, I continue to offer the healing balm of music, as I have experienced first hand the power of music as therapy.

“The Healing powers of music" by Matthew Zhang at TEDxYouth@ConejoUSD 2022